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Copywriters' Application Form

Thank you for your interest in working with us as a freelance copywriter. To help us get to know you better, please fill out the form below with your personal information, rates, proof of your experience and qualifications, and professional references.

In case you're unable to provide the required information, we're sorry to say that we won't be able to consider your application.

If we think you'd be a good fit for our team, we'll be in touch to discuss our collaboration with you in more detail!

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Specify subject area(s) in which you specialize
What type of content do you create, who are your typical clients?
Provide a link(s) to your professional portfolio and/or samples of your work.
10. Please share your professional CV*
11. Please select in what currency you will specify your rates:*
13. Client references*
Kindly provide 2 or more letters of recommendation from or testimonials from previous clients